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KS2 Dance Progression Map


Year 3Year 4Year 5Year 6

Perform dances using a range of movement patterns. (Essential Skill)

Explore and improvise movement ideas and respond imaginatively to stimuli. (Essential Skill)

Move confidently and safely, using changes of speed, level, and direction.

Create and link movement phrases to make a simple dance structure or motif.

Perform movement phrases using a range of body actions and body parts.

Talk about how they might improve the dances.

Perform dances using a range of movement patterns.

Explore and improvise movement ideas and respond imaginatively to stimuli.

Experiment with a wide range of actions, varying and combining pathways, speed, tension, and continuity etc.

Use simple choreographic principles to create motifs and narrative.

Evaluate and improve their own and others’ dances.

Improvise freely, translating ideas from a stimulus into movement.

Create and link dance phrases using a simple dance structure or motif.

Perform dances with an awareness of rhythmic, dynamic, and expressive qualities.

Describe and evaluate some of the compositional features of dances performed with a partner and in a group.

Perform dances using a range of movement patterns.

Develop a greater understanding of dances from specific periods in British history.

Use simple choreographic principles to create motifs imaginatively to a stimulus e.g., a piece of music, event in time.

Use a combination of gestures, turns and balances to fluently link movements.

Improve quality of movements through expression, body tension, isolation of movements and smooth transitions.

Explore and improvise ideas for dances in different styles.

Compose dances by sequencing rehearsed moves from different dance styles.

Perform dances expressively, using a range of performance skills.

Analyse and evaluate dances, showing an understanding of some aspects of style and context, suggest possible improvements.

Rehearse, evaluate, and improve based on feedback using specific movement vocabulary.

Perform dances using a range of movement patterns.

Understand some cultural dances from around the world.

Explore, improvise, and combine body actions fluently and effectively.

Make choices about different group formations when working in groups.

Use simple choreographic principles to create motifs based on cultural dances.

Improve quality of movements through expression, body tension, isolation of movements and smooth transitions.

Rehearse, evaluate, and improve based on feedback using specific movement vocabulary.

Explore, improvise, and combine movement ideas fluently and effectively.

Use basic compositional create dance motifs, phrases, sections, and whole dances to match a theme or stimulus.

Perform with clarity and sensitivity to an accompaniment, communicating a dance idea.

Evaluate, refine, and develop their own and others’ work and make improvements based on feedback.