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KS2 Progression Map

P.E. Yearly Planner

Autumn 1Autumn 2Spring 1Spring 2Summer 1Summer 2
Year 3 Games
Outdoor and Adventurous*
Year 4 Games
Outdoor and Adventurous*
Year 5 Games
Outdoor and Adventurous*
Year 6 Games
Outdoor and Adventurous*
*These modules will be available soon!


Indoor activities such as gymnastics/dance to be scheduled for cold/wet parts of the year.

Athletics booked in for the summer months in preparation for sports day and preparing the children for the events.


Year 3Year 4Year 5Year 6

Use running in isolation and in combination. (Essential Skill)

Develop flexibility, technique, control, and balance in the context of running for speed. (Essential Skill)

Understand the technique that can be used when running over obstacles.

Develop flexibility, technique, control, and balance in the context of running for distance.

Use running in isolation and in combination.

Develop flexibility, technique, control, and balance in the context of running for speed.

Develop flexibility, technique, control, and balance in the context of running over obstacles.

Understand the technique that can be used when running over obstacles.

Develop flexibility, technique, control, and balance in the context of running for distance.

Use running and throwing in isolation and in combination.

Develop flexibility, technique, control, and balance in the context of javelin throwing.

Use running, jumping, throwing, and catching in isolation and in combination.

Develop flexibility, technique, control, and balance in the context of dodging and sprinting.

Develop flexibility, technique, control, and balance when accelerating and decelerating.

Develop a pivot, dodge, or weave to change direction quickly.

Use running in isolation and in combination.

Develop flexibility, technique, control, and balance in the context of dodging and sprinting.

Develop flexibility, technique, control, and balance in the context of relay running.

Understand the different techniques that can be used in a relay race changeover and be able to perform these at speed during a race.


Use jumping in isolation and in combination. (Essential Skill)

Develop flexibility, technique, control, and balance in the context of jumping for height. (Essential Skill)

Use jumping in isolation and in combination.

Develop flexibility, technique, control, and balance in the context of jumping for distance.

Develop flexibility, technique, control, and balance in the context of jumping for height.

Use jumping in isolation and in combination; develop flexibility, technique, control, and balance in the context of jumping for height. Use jumping in isolation and in combination.

Develop flexibility, technique, control, and balance in the context of jumping for distance.

Use jumping in isolation and in combination; develop flexibility, technique, control, and balance in the context of jumping for speed.

Use jumping in isolation and in combination.

Develop flexibility, technique, control, and balance in the context of standing triple jump.

Understand the triple jump movements.


Use throwing and catching in isolation and in combination. (Essential Skill)

Develop flexibility, technique, control, and balance in the context of throwing for distance. (Essential Skill)

Develop the correct technique for a chest push throw.

Use running and throwing in isolation and in combination.

Use throwing and catching in isolation and in combination.

Develop flexibility, technique, control, and balance in the context of throwing for distance.

Develop the correct technique for a chest push throw.

Use running and throwing in isolation and in combination.

Use throwing and catching in isolation and in combination.

Develop flexibility, technique, control, and balance in the context of throwing for distance.

Develop the correct technique for when to release the object at the correct time to get the required amount of trajectory.

Develop flexibility, technique, control, and balance in the context of javelin throwing.

Use throwing and catching in isolation and in combination.

Develop flexibility, technique, control, and balance in the context of throwing for distance.

Develop the correct technique for a chest push throw.

Use running and throwing in isolation and in combination.

Develop flexibility, technique, control, and balance in the context of javelin throwing.


Year 3Year 4Year 5Year 6

Perform dances using a range of movement patterns. (Essential Skill)

Explore and improvise movement ideas and respond imaginatively to stimuli. (Essential Skill)

Move confidently and safely, using changes of speed, level, and direction.

Create and link movement phrases to make a simple dance structure or motif.

Perform movement phrases using a range of body actions and body parts.

Talk about how they might improve the dances.

Perform dances using a range of movement patterns.

Explore and improvise movement ideas and respond imaginatively to stimuli.

Experiment with a wide range of actions, varying and combining pathways, speed, tension, and continuity etc.

Use simple choreographic principles to create motifs and narrative.

Evaluate and improve their own and others’ dances.

Improvise freely, translating ideas from a stimulus into movement.

Create and link dance phrases using a simple dance structure or motif.

Perform dances with an awareness of rhythmic, dynamic, and expressive qualities.

Describe and evaluate some of the compositional features of dances performed with a partner and in a group.

Perform dances using a range of movement patterns.

Develop a greater understanding of dances from specific periods in British history.

Use simple choreographic principles to create motifs imaginatively to a stimulus e.g., a piece of music, event in time.

Use a combination of gestures, turns and balances to fluently link movements.

Improve quality of movements through expression, body tension, isolation of movements and smooth transitions.

Explore and improvise ideas for dances in different styles.

Compose dances by sequencing rehearsed moves from different dance styles.

Perform dances expressively, using a range of performance skills.

Analyse and evaluate dances, showing an understanding of some aspects of style and context, suggest possible improvements.

Rehearse, evaluate, and improve based on feedback using specific movement vocabulary.

Perform dances using a range of movement patterns.

Understand some cultural dances from around the world.

Explore, improvise, and combine body actions fluently and effectively.

Make choices about different group formations when working in groups.

Use simple choreographic principles to create motifs based on cultural dances.

Improve quality of movements through expression, body tension, isolation of movements and smooth transitions.

Rehearse, evaluate, and improve based on feedback using specific movement vocabulary.

Explore, improvise, and combine movement ideas fluently and effectively.

Use basic compositional create dance motifs, phrases, sections, and whole dances to match a theme or stimulus.

Perform with clarity and sensitivity to an accompaniment, communicating a dance idea.

Evaluate, refine, and develop their own and others’ work and make improvements based on feedback.


Year 3Year 4Year 5Year 6

Develop flexibility, strength, technique, control, and balance through gymnastics. (Essential Skill)

Explore quality body actions, body shapes and balances.

Link movements smoothly, and with control.

Evaluate the quality of a movement and suggest how to improve.

Develop flexibility, strength, technique, control, and balance through gymnastics.

Develop a range of actions, body shapes and balances with consistency, fluency clarity of movement.

Create gymnastic sequences that meet a theme or set of conditions.

Use compositional devices when creating sequences, such as changes in speed, level, and direction.

Create sequences that meet a theme or set of conditions.

Analyse your own and others’ work, judging the quality of performances and suggesting improvements.

Develop flexibility, strength, technique, control, and balance through gymnastics.

Perform actions, shapes, and balances, with tension and extension in rotation activities.

Perform actions, shapes, and balances, with tension and extension in synchronisation and canon activities.

Choose and apply more complex compositional ideas to sequences and adapt them to new situation.

Evaluate own and others’ work and suggest improvements related to learning intentions.

Develop flexibility, strength, technique, control, and balance through gymnastics.

Perform actions, shapes, and balances, with tension and extension in counterbalance and counter tension activities.

Choose and apply more complex compositional ideas to sequences and perform them fluently and with control.

Evaluate own and others’ work and suggest improvements related to learning intentions.

Combine and perform gymnastic actions, shapes, and balances more fluently with planned variations in dynamics


Year 3Year 4Year 5Year 6
Racket and Court Games

Play competitive games, modified where appropriate, and apply basic principles suitable for attacking and defending. (Essential Skill)

Develop and refine techniques for using a racket and playing on a court.

Play competitive games, modified where appropriate, and apply basic principles suitable for attacking and defending.

Develop the range and consistency of their techniques in net games.

Play competitive games, modified where appropriate, and apply basic principles suitable for attacking and defending.

Develop forehand and backhand return, over arm serve and playing into a space.

Play competitive games, modified where appropriate, and apply basic principles suitable for attacking and defending.

Develop forehand and backhand return and apply racket and ball skills in different situations.

Develop forehand and backhand return, lunging to receive, and playing into a space.

Develop forehand and backhand return, overarm serve and playing into a space.

Invasion Games

Play competitive games, modified where appropriate e.g., basketball, football, hockey, netball, and apply basic principles suitable for attacking and defending.

Develop effective dribbling skills. Develop the children’s ability to defend a ball.

Develop passing and receiving techniques.

Developing passing skills; finding a space to receive, and weight needed behind a ball to pass.

Develop different striking techniques.

Play competitive games, modified where appropriate e.g., basketball, football, hockey, netball, and apply basic principles suitable for attacking and defending.

Develop effective dribbling skills.

Develop chest pass skill.

Develop ability to defend a ball.

Develop bounce pass skill.

Develop overhead passing technique.

Developing passing skills; finding a space to receive, and weight needed behind a ball to pass.

Play competitive games, modified where appropriate e.g., basketball, football, hockey, netball, and apply basic principles suitable for attacking and defending.

Develop basic dribbling and passing skills.

Develop ability to create space to receive a pass.

Develop tackling skills.

Develop shooting & scoring skills.

Develop shooting accuracy.

Play competitive games, modified where appropriate e.g., basketball, football, hockey, netball, and apply basic principles suitable for attacking and defending.

Develop basic dribbling and passing skills.

Develop ability to create space to receive a pass.

Develop tackling skills.

Develop shooting & scoring skills.

Develop shooting accuracy.

Striking and Fielding

Play competitive games, modified where appropriate, and apply basic principles suitable for striking and fielding.

Develop and refine basic techniques for striking and fielding. (Essential Skills)

Apply basic striking and fielding techniques. (Essential Skills)

Adjust your strike action and positioning fielders for maximum success. (Essential Skills)

Refine underarm and overarm throwing skills.

Develop tactics that can be used when striking and fielding.

Play competitive games, modified where appropriate, and apply basic principles suitable for striking and fielding.

Develop and refine basic techniques for striking and fielding. (Recall skills)

Apply basic striking and fielding techniques. (Recall skills)

Adjust your strike action and position fielders for maximum success. (Recall skills)

Refine fielding skills.

Invent new games which use striking and fielding rules/ideas.

Play competitive games, modified where appropriate, and apply basic principles suitable for striking and fielding.

Refine sprint technique for scoring runs.

Develop ability to adjust to a catch.

Develop the correct technique for overarm bowling.

Develop fielding skills of ball chasing, long barrier method and overarm returns.

Develop and refine striking techniques to intended target area.

Develop skills of striking with accuracy and intention.

Play competitive games, modified where appropriate, and apply basic principles suitable for striking and fielding.

Develop underarm and overarm throwing technique.

Develop ability to adjust to a catch.

Develop accuracy when bowling.

Develop fielding skills of ball chasing, one hand pick-ups and overarm returns.

Develop and refine striking techniques to intended target area.

Refine the skills practised during this unit.