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KS2 Gymnastics Progression Map


Year 3Year 4Year 5Year 6

Develop flexibility, strength, technique, control, and balance through gymnastics. (Essential Skill)

Explore quality body actions, body shapes and balances.

Link movements smoothly, and with control.

Evaluate the quality of a movement and suggest how to improve.

Develop flexibility, strength, technique, control, and balance through gymnastics.

Develop a range of actions, body shapes and balances with consistency, fluency clarity of movement.

Create gymnastic sequences that meet a theme or set of conditions.

Use compositional devices when creating sequences, such as changes in speed, level, and direction.

Create sequences that meet a theme or set of conditions.

Analyse your own and others’ work, judging the quality of performances and suggesting improvements.

Develop flexibility, strength, technique, control, and balance through gymnastics.

Perform actions, shapes, and balances, with tension and extension in rotation activities.

Perform actions, shapes, and balances, with tension and extension in synchronisation and canon activities.

Choose and apply more complex compositional ideas to sequences and adapt them to new situation.

Evaluate own and others’ work and suggest improvements related to learning intentions.

Develop flexibility, strength, technique, control, and balance through gymnastics.

Perform actions, shapes, and balances, with tension and extension in counterbalance and counter tension activities.

Choose and apply more complex compositional ideas to sequences and perform them fluently and with control.

Evaluate own and others’ work and suggest improvements related to learning intentions.

Combine and perform gymnastic actions, shapes, and balances more fluently with planned variations in dynamics