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EYFS Gymnastics Scheme Of Work


“I believe that education within sport must be made readily available to everyone and promote a love for sport and wellbeing. At Qualitas my team are continually working hard to develop new innovative/PE strategies and schemes of work to benefit children within our local community, that will aid their progression in sport in a safe and challenging environment. I believe that a strong, robust P.E. scheme will help provide the relevant tools for educators to motivate and provide relevant challenges for children to succeed.”

Gavin Bailey, Managing Director of Qualitas Sport

Mission Statement

Our P.E. curriculum has been developed to provide teachers the necessary tools to deliver high quality P.E. sessions, with the aim of inspiring and developing children’s skills and knowledge. The scheme of work aims to make sessions fun and promote a love of learning of Physical activities that inspire pupils into a lifelong participation in sport and a healthy active lifestyle. It provides challenging sessions across Foundation Stage covering a range of fundamental movement skills through games, gymnastics, and dance activities.

Early Years Foundation Stage - Physical Development

Children at the expected level of development will:

  • Negotiate space and obstacles safely, with consideration for themselves and others;
  • Demonstrate strength, balance and coordination when playing;
  • Move energetically, such as running, jumping, dancing, hopping, skipping and climbing

As a Prime area, the Development Matters Statements indicate a requirement to:

  • Revise and refine the fundamental movement skills they have already acquired: - rolling - crawling - walking - jumping - running - hopping - skipping – climbing
  • Progress towards a more fluent style of moving, with developing control and grace.
  • Develop the overall body strength, co-ordination, balance and agility needed to engage successfully with future physical education sessions and other physical disciplines including dance, gymnastics, sport and swimming.
  • Combine different movements with ease and fluency.
  • Confidently and safely use a range of large and small apparatus indoors and outside, alone and in a group.
  • Develop overall body-strength, balance, co-ordination and agility.
  • Further develop and refine a range of ball skills including: throwing, catching, kicking, passing, batting, and aiming.
  • Develop confidence, competence, precision and accuracy when engaging in activities that involve a ball.


The Qualitas Intent

The Qualitas aim is to provide a planned sequence of lessons that assist teachers of every ability and provides them the tools to meet the PE National Curriculum outcomes in a fun, safe and challenging manner. The scheme sets out a broad and progressive syllabus and meets the needs of children of all abilities across their Key Stage 1 journey. The scheme provides the opportunity for children to develop their skills and knowledge in a wide range of activities, along with promoting the importance of health and fitness as well as allowing them the chance to evaluate their own performance as well as their peers. Differentiation of activities in the scheme allow for children of all ability levels the opportunity to access the skills and activities and provides them the opportunity to shine. Our aim at Qualitas is to inspire pupils into a lifelong participation in sport and a healthy active lifestyle, along with providing a challenging experience that enables young children to experience success and enjoyment and promote the key values of teamwork, determination, honesty, respect leadership and self-belief.

The Qualitas Implementation

The Qualitas aim is to provide detailed lesson plans that provide the educator the skills and subject knowledge necessary to deliver high quality first teaching for all aspects of the P.E. National Curriculum. The carefully constructed scheme helps assist the educator in providing progression, challenges and helps the educator build on their background knowledge of a range of activities through a range of illustrations, technical vocabulary and guidance notes. The scheme allows flexibility for educators not to follow the scheme rigidly and to use their own skills to enhance the learning outcomes. The scheme encourages the education setting to follow the Government guidelines in providing at least 2 hours of quality PE for all children. In the Scheme it provides a consistency in the routines followed such as an introduction, warm up, skill development, cool down and chance to reflect through a plenary. It allows the opportunity for children to perform key P.E. objectives, in a safe and challenging manner, work individually, in pairs or as part of a team and receive constructive feedback throughout.

The Qualitas Impact

The Qualitas scheme is designed so that children receive a broad variety of physical activities with new schemes added to further enhance the provision. Progression across the key stage allows for children to be challenged at appropriate age-related activities throughout the scheme. The scheme allows for cross curriculum links to be applied in a range of topic areas such as maths, design and technology, science, computing and PSHE. Children will be immersed in specific physical education vocabulary to develop their overall understanding of P.E. year on year and help encourage them to ultimately create a higher level of understanding and engagement. The scheme will also look to promote a greater level of confidence in children’s own ability and encourage participation in extra-curricular activities and help them to showcase their own skills in internal and external sporting competitions.

Safety Pointers

Follow your school’s P.E. policy. These may include points such as:

Uniform / Clothing

  1. Suitable clothing for the activity ahead.
  2. Long hair tied back.
  3. All jewellery/watches removed (ear rings removed or covered following the school P.E. policy.)
  4. Suitable footware with laces tied up.


  1. Equipment should be free from damage.
  2. Suitable for the activity ahead.

Facilities - Indoor / Outdoor

  1. Indoor facilities are clean, dry, and free from obstacles (any fixed obstacles are identified and coned off).
  2. Indoor facilities are well ventilated with suitable lighting.
  3. Outdoor facilities are checked for slippery surfaces especially during rainy days (autumn time covered with leaves/wintertime checked for ice) with instruction provided to the children to keep them safe (unsafe areas coned off).
  4. Outdoor Facilities – Extreme weather conditions - blustery/windy conditions/lightning and thundery conditions which could cause injury to teachers/children are considered and lessons moved to indoor if available or cancelled to ensure that everyone is kept safe.

Gymnastics Specific Safety Pointers

Jumping activities

  1. Suitable surfaces are considered to undertake jumping activities – with consideration given to reducing activities on hard surfaces and repetitions on children’s joints.
  2. Children are given suitable space so not to restrict children’s movement and landing whilst performing the activity.
  3. Children only jump from apparatus to land on a mat.

Running activities

  1. Running environment is safe from tripping hazards.
  2. Children are spaced out sufficiently to avoid trips.